If the monthly membership is truly not affordable for you, please consider applying for a scholarship membership, where you will give your time and support, more so than money. 

It is a 10 month, one-time scholarship. 

As a scholarship recipient we ask that you participate fully, and learn as much as you can to help you and your dog (with our professional guidance and support of course) and provide emotional support to others.  

We respectfully ask all those that actually *can* afford the small membership payment to do so.   We appreciate your support in not only funding yourself but contributing to making homes and communities safer for everyone, with noone left out.  Thank you for being honest in not taking advantage of the scholarship places that I’m funding myself.

Having people only apply for scholarships when they truly need it allows me to not limit the number of scholarships, so that everyone who needs the help for themselves and their dogs, can benefit, be safe and learn how to love life with their (reactive) dog.

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